Leading the way in interdisciplinary thinking

Interdisciplinarity. An approach that offers a fresh view on societal and cultural issues — as diverse as the development of European and global politics, the interplay of technological advances with societal and cultural forces, the role of arts and media in the modern world, and the ways in which transnational links play out in Western and developing societies. While our research starts from today’s problems, we have a strong interest in how the modern world came to be. The breadth of expertise from different fields in the humanities and social sciences, united in one faculty, makes us distinct. Approaching the problems of modern culture and society in an interdisciplinary way is what we believe in.

These pages offer an overview of the activities and successes of the FASoS research institute in 2012. Click on the boxes below to find out what we have done over the past year and continue to do at present. To watch the videos in this report, press the play button.