Research Highlights

I. Valentina Mazzucato (one of the core MACIMIDE researchers) was granted an ERC Consolidator Grant for her project ‘Mobility trajectories of young lives: Life chances of transnational youths in Global South and North’

For millions of young people around the world, migration is an integral part of their lives. Yet we know very little about their mobility during their youth because we focus on just two types of moves: their first move to a new country of residence, or their parents’ migration. This project will explore the mobility patterns of youth with migrant backgrounds and how mobility affects their life chances. More information about the project here.

II. Maarten Vink (one of the core MACIMIDE researchers)  was granted an ERC Consolidator Grant for his project ‘Migrant Life Course and Legal Status Transition’.

When does citizenship provide a boost to migrant integration? A fast-track to citizenship can maximize the potential for settlement success of migrants, though too short a pathway can disincentivise integration. This project investigates why, how and for whom legal status transition matters, and especially how variation in policies between countries impacts on this relation. The goal is to investigate the relevance of citizenship within the individual life course of an immigrant. More information about the project here.