Finalised PhD Projects in 2017

Simone Schleper
Supervisor: Dr.E. Homburg
Co-supervisor: Dr. R. de Bont
Title: Life on Earth: Controversies on the Science and Politics of Global Nature Conservation, 1960 – 1980
Successfully defended on Wednesday 26 April 2017.


Hans Schouwenburg
Supervisor: Dr. E. Homburg
Co-supervisor: Dr. R. de Bont
Title: Strategies to Save the Earth; Nature Conservation Experts and Sustainable Development, 1980-2000
Successfully defended on Wednesday 10 May 2017.


Marie de Somer
Supervisor: Prof. dr.S. Vanhoonacker
Co-supervisor: Prof. dr. M. Vink
Title: Autonomy through Precedent; A Longitudinal Analysis of The EU Court of Justice’s Case Law on Family Reunification Immigration
Successfully defended on Monday 26 June 2017.



Hortense Jongen
Supervisor: Prof. dr. T. Conzelmann
Co-supervisor: Dr. G. Bosse
Title: Combating Corruption the Soft Way – The Authority of Peer Reviews in the Fight against Corruption
Successfully defended on Friday 15 September 2017.



Valentina Carraro
Supervisor: Prof. dr. T. Conzelmann
Co-supervisors: Prof. dr. S. Vanhoonacker
Title: Just another brush stroke on the human rights canvas? The Authority of the UN Universal Periodic Review vis-à-vis the UN Treaty Bodies
Successfully defended on Friday 20 October 2017.



Lies Netel (external PhD)
Supervisor: Prof. dr. M. Meijer
Co-supervisor: M. van Rijsingen (UvA)
Title: Marianne van der Heijden (1922-1998); het archief als bron van (kunst)historische herinnering
Successfully defended on Thursday 8 November 2017.