Publications in 2018

The tables below quantifies the publication output of the FASoS Research Institute in 2017. Publications are classified according to VSNU guidelines.

Number of publications by research programme, 2018
Article-scientific refereed1610273184
Article-scientific non-refereed-1315
Doctoral thesis235313
Inaugural speech----0
Monograph-scientific 2-338
Monograph professional3-2-5
Volume editorship4-239
Part of volume-scientific169181760
Part of volume-professional5-12421
Part of volume-popularising1-124

* When a publication is co-authored by staff members from different research programmes, it is included in the publication output of all of these programmes, but is only included once under the total publications.
** This category includes advisory and policy reports to public and private parties, such as municipalities, provinces or companies.

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*Peer-reviewed publications = article scientific refereed + monograph scientific  refereed + volume editorship scientific refereed + part of volume editorship refereed. PhD’s are excluded here.