Overview Research Centres

The faculty houses five dedicated research centres. These centres are hubs that bring together researchers from FASoS and other UM faculties. They also facilitate interaction with external academic partners and societal stakeholders:

  • The Centre for European Research in Maastricht  (CERiM) provides substantial input to the UM’s focal point of Europe and a Globalising World. Political scientists, historians and lawyers analyse and discuss the history and future of European and global cooperation.
  • The Centre for Gender and Diversity (CGD) looks at the intersections between categories of social differentiation, especially within the arts. Its researchers study art forms from high and popular culture, such as fiction, poetry, film, photography, life-writing, performing arts, and children’s media.
  • The Centre for the Social History of Limburg (SHCL) is an associated research centre at FASoS. It provides expertise and a research infrastructure for comparative regional history by providing access to historical sources, maintaining a library collection, and publications.