Workshop Mobility and Environment

Mobility & Environment workshop RCC München A rather belated entry:  on 3-5 June 2010, Manuel Stoffers participated in a workshop devoted to  ‘Mobility and Environment’ at the Rachel Carson Center in Munich, with a paper (co-authored by Peter Cox) on…

T2M yearbook  2011 published

T2M yearbook 2011 published

The second Yearbook of  the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M), entitled Mobility in history: themes in transport, is now available from Les Editions Alphil – Presses universitaires suisses. In the volume, 28 scholars from eleven…

A strong presence, but a weak history. The bicycle in Dutch historiography

A strong presence, but a weak history. The bicycle in Dutch historiography

At the 21st  International  Cycling History Conference, held 5-7 August 2010 in Prague, Harry Oosterhuis presented our analysis of  the lack of academic historiography of cycling in the Netherlands. Whereas internationally one can observe a growing academic interest in cycling history…