The Project

The history of the bicycle and of cycling have been researched from many angles and by many authors, among whom transport historians, economic historians, historians of technology, design historians, cultural historians and sport historians. During the last two decades important academic publications on the history of the bicycle have been published in many countries, among these Germany, France, Italy, the UK, the US, Canada and New Zealand. The aim of  this website is to inform researchers and others about the research available on the history of cycling worldwide. We try to achieve this by presenting an online international bibliography on all aspects of the history of cycling and to make it as complete as possible with the help of visitors of this site. You can go to the bibliography by clicking on The Bibliography-tab above.

Responsible for The Cycling History Bibliography is Manuel Stoffers, a Dutch historian working at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS) of Maastricht University and a member of the Science, Technology and Society research group under the direction of Prof. dr. Wiebe Bijker (UM). Apart from updating The Cycling History Bibliography, I will post news whenever available on cycling history projects by myself or other researchers.