“How on earth did I miss this?”: On handing over teaching coordination tasks

“How on earth did I miss this?”: On handing over teaching coordination tasks

By Karin Bijsterveld Anyone who has ever taken over the course coordination from someone else or started directing a teaching programme will likely remember the very first year. No matter how well you thought you knew the course or the…

Learning while cleaning the house: Some reflections on using podcasts in teaching

Learning while cleaning the house: Some reflections on using podcasts in teaching

By Patrick Bijsmans & Andreea Nǎstase Podcasts are rapidly becoming an important medium, with over 400 million podcast listeners worldwide projected for this year. Search for “podcast higher education” in Spotify and you’ll find yourself scrolling for quite a while…

What happens when a FASoS tutor suddenly becomes a student again?  Reflections from the other side of the lectern

What happens when a FASoS tutor suddenly becomes a student again? Reflections from the other side of the lectern

By Elsje Fourie This has been an upside-down year in all sorts of ways, and I’m no exception. After more than a decade on the other side of the classroom, I suddenly found myself cast in the role of a…

“In God we trust, all others must bring data”: Introducing BA DS students to quantitative data analyses, R programming and Big Data

“In God we trust, all others must bring data”: Introducing BA DS students to quantitative data analyses, R programming and Big Data

By Eliyahu Sapir & Thomas Frissen In January 2021, second-year BA Digital Society students followed an intensive introduction to big data analysis. Students were trained in quantitative data analyses and using R and RStudio in an earlier course. They employed…

Designing a new course in and beyond COVID-19 times

Designing a new course in and beyond COVID-19 times

By Patrick Bijsmans PBL course design is a recurring topic in academic literature, but also in staff development. This concerns, for instance, applying general PBL principles to assignment design, but also the need for varying assignments. The design process is…