
The FASoS Teaching & Learning Blog was set up by Patrick Bijsmans and Afke Groen in early 2018. They edited the blog together until early 2020, when Afke took on a new job at the Hans van Mierlo Stichting in the Hague.


The blog is currently being curated and edited by Patrick, together with Mirko Reithler.

Patrick Bijsmans is Associate Professor in Teaching & Learning European Studies and teaches courses in the BA European Studies, the MA European Studies and the MSc European Studies. Patrick is also coordinator of the Continuing Professional Development programme for FASoS teaching staff, plus he regularly published blogs and research papers on teaching and learning in European Studies. | @PatrickBijsmans |

Mirko Reithler is Lecturer with the faculty’s Department of Society Studies and mainly teaches mainly in the Bachelor in Arts & Culture. Mirko is faculty coordinator for the Problem-Based Leaning and tutor training and is a member of the steering group for Maastricht University’s EdView project on the development of and innovation in teaching and learning at Maastricht University.