‘Lucky Victims’. German-Speaking Emigrants as Soldiers of Occupation in Germany after the Second World War
‘Lucky Victims’. German-Speaking Emigrants as Soldiers of Occupation in Germany after the Second World War Arvid Schors, University of Cologne In April 1945, the concentration camp Ahlem near Hanover in Germany was liberated by American troops. A 21 year old American...
Learning Occupation – Francis Thiallet and the History of France and Germany 1917-1957
Learning Occupation – Francis Thiallet and the History of France and Germany 1917-1957 Julia Wambach, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin The particularly dense history of mutual occupations between France and Germany in the first half of the 20th...
The Age of Metamorphosis: An Introduction
The Age of Metamorphosis: An Introduction Camilo Erlichman and Félix Streicher, Maastricht University In Italo Calvino’s first novel, Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno (The Path to the Spiders’ Nest), published in 1947 and set in Liguria during the Second World War, Pin,...
PhD Workshop Report: Experiencing and Remembering Mass Violence
PhD Workshop Report: Experiencing and Remembering Mass Violence Maria Fritsche, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) The aim of the workshop on Experiencing and Remembering Mass Violence: Social and Cultural Perspectives on the Histories of Violence...
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