The First Allied Occupation – France 1815-18
The First Allied Occupation – France 1815-18 Beatrice de Graaf, Utrecht University When most people think about occupation, it is the twentieth-century occupations that spring to mind, most notably the occupations by Germany and Japan before and during the Second...
The Dutch réunion with the Napoleonic Empire
The Dutch réunion with the Napoleonic Empire Martijn van der Burg, Open University of the Netherlands The years 1810-1813, during which the present-day Netherlands was part of the Napoleonic Empire, are known in Dutch as the years of Inlijving, literally...
The Origins of the Idea of Military Occupation
The Origins of the Idea of Military Occupation Peter Stirk In 1844 the eminent jurist August Wilhelm Heffter lamented the common failure to clearly distinguish between conquest and occupation. Approximately thirty years earlier he had witnessed both occupation and...
Enforced Progress: Napoleon’s Occupation of Europe
Enforced Progress: Napoleon’s Occupation of Europe Michael Rowe, King’s College London The Revolutionary and Napoleonic period (c.1789 to 1815) is an important one in the history of occupations. True, the ‘revolutionary’ nature of the so-called Revolutionary Wars...
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