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Maastricht University


The Occupation Studies Research Network is intended to support scholars in any discipline, who are actively researching or who have recently completed work on some aspect of the subject of Military Occupation, including:

  • Students at MA, MPhil or PhD level or above, who are working on or have recently completed their research thesis or dissertation.
  • Post-doctoral and other early career academics.
  • Staff at universities and other higher education institutes.
  • Staff at museums, archives, and other cultural and educational institutions concerned with the phenomenon of military occupation.

Membership is free of charge and members are invited to take part in all activities of the group. Contact details and academic profile will be listed in the ‘members’ page.

If you wish to join the Network please send an email to the convenors including a brief summary of your current position and research interests.

The convenors reserve the right to take the final decision on applications to join the Occupation Studies Research Network and may decline any application if they believe that the objectives of the Network will not be advanced by acceding to a particular application.

If members wish to cancel their membership for any reason, please notify the convenors and your email address and personal profile details will be removed from the Network mailing list and Members Page.

If your email address or personal profile details change, for example if you change jobs or move to another university position, and you wish to remain a member of the Network, please notify the convenors and we will update the Network mailing list and your profile on the Members Page. If you do not notify us and emails are returned as undeliverable for a period of more than 3 months, we will remove your details from the mailing list and Members Page.

Contact the convenors

Dr Camilo Erlichman


Dr Christopher Knowles
