• Publications


Academic Publications


Caarls, K., Haagsman, K., Kraus E.K. & V. Mazzucato. African transnational families: Cross‐country and gendered comparisonsPopulation Space and Place2018;e2162. doi: 10.1002/psp.2162

Jordan, L.P., Dito, B., Nobles, J. & E. Graham. Engaged parenting, gender, and children’s time use in transnational families: An assessment spanning three global regionsPopulation, Space and Place2018;e2159. doi: 10.1002/psp.2159.

Mazzucato V. & B.B. Dito. Transnational families: Cross‐country comparative perspectivesPopulation Space and Place2018;e2165. doi: 10.1002/psp.2165

Wu, Q. & V. Cebotari. Experiences of migration, parent–child interaction, and the life satisfaction of children in Ghana and ChinaPopulation, Space and Place2018;e2160. doi: 10.1002/psp.2160



Cebotari, V. , Mazzucato, V. & E. Appiah (2017). A Longitudinal Analysis of Well‐Being of Ghanaian Children in Transnational Families. Child Development. doi:10.1111/cdev.12879

Cebotari, V., Mazzucato, V., & M. Siegel (2017). Gendered perceptions of migration among Ghanaian children in transnational care, Child Indicators Research, 10(4), 971-993.

Cebotari, V., Mazzucato, V., & M. Siegel (2016). Child development and migrant transnationalism: the health of children who stay behind in Ghana and Nigeria. The Journal of Development Studies, 53(3), 444-459.

Dito, B.B., V. Mazzucato & D. Schans (2017) The effects of transnational parenting on the subjective health and well-being of Ghanaian migrants in The Netherlands. Population, Space and Place, 23, e2006.

Mazzucato, V. and V. Cebotari (2016). Psychological Well-Being of Ghanaian Children in Transnational FamiliesPopulation Space and Place, 23: e2004. 

Poeze, M, Dankyi, E.K., & Mazzucato, V. (2017). Navigating transnational childcare relationships: migrant parents and their children’s caregivers in the origin country. Global Networks, 17(1), 111-129.


Cebotari, V. and V. Mazzucato (2016). Educational Performance of Children of Migrant Parents in Ghana, Nigeria and Angola. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(5), 834-856.

Grassi, M. (2016). Transnationalism and Conjugality: The Angola/Portugal Case. In Mobility and Family in Transnational Space, edited by M. Grassi & T. Ferreira, 7-30. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Marinho, L (2016). Parenting from afar: Parental Arrangements After Migration – The Angola/ Portugal case. In Mobility and Family in Transnational Space, edited by M. Grassi & T. Ferreira, 141-160. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Mazzucato, V., Dankyi, E., & Poeze, M. (in press) Mapping transnational networks of care from a multi-actor and multi-sited perspective. In C. Bolzman, L. Bernardi, and J.M. Le Goff (eds.), Situating children of migrants across borders and origins: A methodological overview. Springer.

Poeze, M. and Mazzucato, V. (in press) Transnational mothering and the law: Ghanaian women’s pathways to family reunion and consequences for family life. In M. Kilkey and E. Palenga-Möllenbeck (eds.), Family in the age of migration and mobility. Palgrave MacMillan.


Dankyi, E., V. Mazzucato, and T. Manuh (2015). Reciprocity in global social protection: providing care for migrants’ childrenOxford Development Studies: 1-16.

Grassi, M. & J. Vivet (2015). Cuidar das crianças entre Angola e Portugal: a parentalidade nas famílias transnacionaisSociologia, problemas e prácticais 79: 85-108.

Haagsman, K. (2015). Parenting across borders: effects of transnational parenting on the lives of Angolan and Nigerian migrant parents in The Netherlands. Maastricht University. Maastricht: Datawyse | Universitaire Pers Maastricht.

Haagsman, K., Mazzucato, V. & Dito, B.B. (2015). Transnational families and the subjective well-being of migrant parents: Angolan and Nigerian parents in the NetherlandsEthnic and Racial Studies, 28 (15), 2652-2671.

Mazzucato, V. (2015). Transnational families and the well-being of children and caregivers who stay in origin countries. Social Science & Medicine, 132(0), 208-214.

Mazzucato, V., Cebotari, V., Veale, A., White, A., Grassi, M., & Vivet, J. (2015). International parental migration and the psychological well-being of children in Ghana, Nigeria, and Angola. Social Science & Medicine, 132, 215-224.


Grassi, M. and Vivet, J. (2014). Fathering and Conjugality in Transnational Patchwork Families: the Angola/Portugal case. TL Network e -Working Paper Series 5.

Haagsman, K. (2014). Transnational Child Raising Arrangements: Subjective Well-being Outcomes of Angolan and Nigerian Migrant Parents in The NetherlandsMigration: paths of exploration, Norface Migration: 27-28.

Haagsman, K. and Mazzucato, V. (2014) Transnational parent-child relationships of Angolan and Nigerian migrant parents in The Netherlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40(11): 1677-1696.

Marinho, L. (2014). Parent-child separation in Angolan transnational families. Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny 40 (3): pp.187-202.

Mazzucato V. (2014) Child Well-Being and Transnational Families. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Dordrecht: Springer.

Poeze, M. and E. Dankyi. (2014) Experiences with a Simultaneous Matched Sample Methodology, Migration: paths of exploration, Norface Migration: 16-17.

Poeze, M. and Mazzucato, V. (2014) Ghanaian children in transnational families: Understanding the experiences of left-behind children through local parenting norms. In L. Baldassar and L. Merla (eds.), Transnational families, migration and the circulation of care. Understanding mobility and absence in family life (pp. 149-169). New York: Routledge.

Veale, A. and Andres, C. (2014) ‘‘I wish, I wish…’ Reflections on mobility, immobility and the global ‘imaginings’ of Nigerian transnational children. In Veale, A. & Dona, G (eds). Child & Youth Migration: Mobility-in Migration in an Era of Globalization. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.


Mazzucato, V. (2013) Transnational families. In Ness, I. (ed) The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Mazzucato V. (2013) De Keerzijde van migratie: gevolgen voor kinderen die achterblijven. Internationale Spectator 67 (3): 31-37 [Only available in Dutch]

Poeze, M. and V. Mazzucato (2013) Ghanaian children in transnational families: Understanding the experiences of left-behind children through local parenting norms. In L. Baldassar and L. Merla (eds) Transnational Families, Migration and the Circulation of Care. London: Routledge.

Poeze, M and E. Dankyi (2013) Eén familie, twee landen, twee onderzoeksters: Ervaringen met een Simultaneous Matched Sample Methodology. KWALON, 54 (3).



Mazzucato, V. and D. Schans (2011) Transnational families and the wellbeing of children: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges. Journal of Marriage and Family 73 (4): 704-712

Awumbila, M., Alhassan, O., Badasu, D. M., Antwi Bosiakoh, T., Dankyi, E. (2011) Socio-cultural dimensions of migration in Ghana; Technical paper no.3. Accra: Woeli Publishing Services

Awumbila, M., Manuh T., Quartey P., Antwi Bosiako, T. A., Addoquaye Tagoe C. (2011) Migration and Mobility in Ghana; Trends, issues and emerging research gaps. Accra: Woeli Publishing Services


Manuh, T., Benneh, Y., Gebe, Y., Anebo, F., Agyei, J. (2010) Legal and institutional dimensions of migration in Ghana; Technical paper no.4. Legon: Accra: Woeli Publishing Services

Ní Laoire, C., Carpena-Méndez, F., Tyrrell, N. and White, A. (2010) Special Issue: Childhood and migration – mobilities, homes and belongings, Childhood 17 (2): 155-162

White, A., Bushin, N., Carpena-Méndez, F. and Ní Laoire, C. (2010) Using visual methodologies to explore contemporary Irish childhoods, Qualitative Research 10 (2): 143-158

Policy briefs

TCRA Policy Brief (2013)

TCRA Policy Brief (2014)


In the news and on the web

Timmermans, M. (2018). Myth: physical proximity is crucial for a family. Observant, 5 June 2018.




Bolwijn, M. Moeders en Vaders zijn ver weg. De Volkskrant 13 juni 2013

Haagsman, K. Verscheurd door migratie. One World. 7 mei 2015

NORFACE COMPACT SERIES. Migration: Paths of Exploration. Spring 2013

VERSVAK stuk (2014)




PhD theses

PhD dissertation K. Haagsman (2015)


Haagsman, K. (2015). Parenting across borders : effects of transnational parenting on the lives of Angolan and Nigerian migrant parents in The Netherlands, Maastricht, Netherlands: Datawyse | Universitaire Pers Maastricht.
Prom./coprom.: Mazzucato, V.; Dito, B.B.