
Prof. Dr. Valentina Mazzucato
Maastricht University
Professor of Globalisation and Development
My name is Valentina Mazzucato and I am the coordinator of the TCRA programme. My interest in Africa was sparked many years ago when I volunteered as a teacher in a Harambee high school in north-eastern Kenya. Since then all my working life I have worked in and on Africa. In the transnational migration group I have established here at Maastricht University, we have set out to bridge boundaries between classical anthropological studies on child fostering systems in Africa and transnational migration studies to ask how child care works within transnational families under conditions of global migration and in a cultural context where child fostering is an accepted norm. We do this for various African migration flows, giving equal attention to outcomes for migrant parents and children and their caregivers back home. Studying and teaching such topics means bridging boundaries between disciplines and between geographical localities. My passion for this endeavour stems from my own transnational family life and the fact that bridging boundaries has always framed both my academic and personal life.
Lidewyde Berckmoes
Maastricht University
Post-doc researcher
My name is Lidewyde Berckmoes. I was born in Botswana, am currently living in Amsterdam and working at Maastricht University. During my studies in anthropology, African studies and development studies, I conducted research in Tanzania, South Africa and Burundi. My focus was primarily on the well-being and coming of age of children and youth in challenging circumstances. As time progressed, and both my former research respondents and I reached the parenting age, I became more interested in child-raising arrangements from a parent’s perspective. I am particularly interested in transnational families. In Africa I had met children whose parents lived abroad, and in Amsterdam I met parents who lived in different countries than their children. Also, my own parents live in France!
Elena Moore
University of Cape Town (UCT)
I am a Lecturer in the Department of Sociology (UCT) and a senior research fellow with the Centre for Social Science Research at UCT. I am a sociologist, specialising in the sociology of the family with a Masters degree in Applied Social Research and a PhD from Trinity College Dublin. My principal research interests lie in the field of personal life, kinship, gender, intergenerational relations, divorce, family law and policy, feminist theories, biographical methods and mixed methods. I am currently working on a biographical study on ‘Personal Life and Relationships in South Africa.’ The study aims to gain an in-depth understanding of family practices and relationships researching how individuals experience complex inter-relationships between different generations and between employment, family obligations and personal life. I am also involved in a socio-legal study investigating the operations of reformed customary law in practice, more specifically, the operation of the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act and the rules of intestate succession. I currently teach courses on: the sociology of the family; social theory; research methods; the analysis of qualitative data. I am supervising students at undergraduate and postgraduate level. For more information see http://www.sociology.uct.ac.za/staff/moore/