First Special Issue

The VISTA JMN has successively published its first special issue with the Journal of European Integration in 2022. The special issue is titled ‘The European Single Market at Thirty: Renationalisation, Resilience, or Renewed Integration?’ and focuses on the current challenges to the European Single Market. Do we witness today dynamics leading to renationalization, reconfiguration or can we talk about renewed integration?

You can find the special issue here.

The articles in the special issue are:

Challenges to the European single market at thirty: renationalisation, resilience, or renewed integration?
Ringa Raudla & Aneta Spendzharova
Pages: 1-17

Supranational authorities and private actors as drivers of single market integration? The state of the Union in electricity and banking
Sandra Eckert
Pages: 19-40

Digital Single Market and the EU Competition Regime: An Explanation of Policy Change
Michelle Cini & Patryk Czulno
Pages: 41-57

How to implement the European digital single market: identifying the catalyst for digital transformation
Carsten Schmidt & Robert Krimmer
Pages: 59-80

Investing in the single market? Core-periphery dynamics and the hybrid governance of supranational investment policies
Daniel Mertens & Matthias Thiemann
Pages: 81-97

The physical completion of the EU’s single market: trans-European networks as experimentalist governance?
Paul J. Stephenson
Pages: 99-115

Beyond Meroni. What does it take to achieve a single market for network industries?
Jacques Pelkmans & Marta Simoncini
Pages: 117-132

The European defence fund: a step towards a single market for defence?
Ester Sabatino
Pages: 133-148

Higher education in the single market between (trans)national integration and supranationalisation: exploring the european universities initiative
Dr. Marina Cino Pagliarello
Pages: 149-164

Read more about the authors in the network here.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.