Research project

A core aim of the JMN VISTA is to bring together distinct academic communities working on the Single Market and sectoral policies interlinked with the Single Market. Therefore, our two special issues in leading academic journals are comprised of contributions from leading academics, policy experts, as well as young researchers. Taken together, the two special issues of the JMN VISTA shed light on crucial internal and external developments in the contemporary European Single Market.

The first special issue titled ‘The European Single Market at Thirty: Renationalisation, Resilience, or Renewed Integration?’ focuses on the internal dynamics of the European Single Market. The contributors investigated whether we witness renationalization, reconfiguration, or renewed single market integration in a variety of sectors, ranging from transportation and the digital single market to the financial and energy single market.

The second special issue titled ‘The Geo-economic Turn of the European Single Market’ focuses on the external dynamics of the European Single Market, especially in an international context of changing global power balances. Considering the growing tendency by major global powers to ‘weaponize’ economic interdependencies, the contributors examined the rising ‘geo-economic order’ on the European Single Market and the EU’s regulatory capacity, focusing on key areas, such as the financial, energy, digital, and defence single market.

Our research and teaching workshops have allowed the scholars and experts involved to exchange feedback on their ongoing research and best practices for the teaching of single market integration.

Third Annual Conference of the JMN Vista - January 2023

The European Single Market in a Geo-economic World Order


On the 16th and 17th of January the Brussels Campus of Maastricht University hosted scholars and students from the VISTA Network. The goal of the conference was to discuss the progress made on the Second Special Issue and to exchange good practices on teaching the Single Market.

In six thematic panels scholars and experts from the VISTA project shared their progress on the papers they are preparing for the Second Special Issue. Their peers’ feedback helped them improve their research. Then, in a roundtable discussion teachers and students shared their ideas for bettering the teaching of the Single Market and tips on how to integrate technology in education.

Second Annual Conference of the JMN Vista - May 2021

Teaching Single Market: Comparing Experiences in the EU and the EaP countries


On the 20th May 2021, a teaching workshop has taken place, involving all the partner universities of the network. The goal of the workshop has been to exchange best practices in the teaching of the integration of the EU single market.

The scholars and experts of the VISTA network, organized in teams based on their policy area of expertise, presented the teaching packages they were working on as part of the deliverables of this project.

First Annual Conference of the JMN Vista- March 2021

Challenges to the European Single Market:

Renationalisation, Resilience, or Renewed Integration


On the 11th March 2021, the scholars and experts involved in the VISTA Jean Monnet Network met online for a research workshop.

During the entire day, each member of the network had the chance to present their ongoing research. The panels, organized around the main policy areas covered by the network, allowed the scholars to receive valuable feedback from their colleagues.

These papers were then merged into the first special issue published in 2022, part of the deliverables of this project.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.